A bunch of beings trying to survive in a broken clock

Story Details Two

Instead of the more detailed outline like the first, this variation is a much simpler approach if I decide to narrow it to a 10-20 or so comic series instead, along with more experimenting on making effective outlines. There are more notes written in my journal, but whether or not they work depends if the quarters turn out to be more than the sum of their parts.

Also, the cards concerning characters still need to be added, and will add while revising this page.

Quarter Cards

First Quarter


Gefesla and her remaining forces ride in search of another place to settle, after being exiled from their city.


Gefesla's new hold is tested by enemies, and from the trust gained beforehand, she is able to defend them off. Even in victory, she is still dreaming of returning.

Episodes (an abstract theme for route than what happens)

  • Entering wilderness
  • Seeming alone
  • Realizing allies and enemies
  • Asserting self once again

Second Quarter


Gefesla starts campaign and takes back the old city early.


One battle ends up in a bad stalemate, and both sides stop fighting temporarily.

Episodes (an abstract theme for route than what happens)

  • Reclaiming and looking at stuff in the past again
  • Confronting enemies further
  • Knowledge from going a step too far
  • Having knowledge, yet stagnating

Third Quarter


Protagonists from before are led to daemons' domain to help them


The daemons agree to help protagonists after they realize something more about them.

Episodes (an abstract theme for route than what happens)

  • Risk of forcing change
  • Past realizing more about present
  • Finding a way out
  • Entering the world again

Last Quarter


Find first one who attacked


Get the remaining antagonists in a cornered battle.

Episodes (an abstract theme for route than what happens)

These are re-iterations of the previous themes.

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