A bunch of beings trying to survive in a broken clock

Art Direction

There are extended notes in my journal and sketchpad, so this post is more for telling thought process than anything.

For Comic Compositions

Per Spread

Panel out the key things to happen per scene in a spread, and let the rest of the details grow from there.

Active or Passive

If it's an active spread, start with characters first, or if it's passive, lend more to the scene.

The inspiration for the spread came while listening to and reading a review of Tiamat's Astral Sleep, where a lot of the songwriting directly followed the guitar than anything, and it gives an effect I like. Alongside, some of the old art I've been studying (I feel) lent a certain gravity I love.


Art Style


Using watercolors with a partial impressionist approach. Palette limited to a rule of base warms to cools, mixing similar combinations, and mixing into browns then greys.


Go off of frescoes, sarcophagus reliefs, manuscripts, whatever was in references. Essentially, a strange and withered presentation or similar means towards a visceral feeling.

A lot of ideas cascaded here that it's more left to theorizing with my brushes than anything, and that goes for more than art.

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